
360 Projection

360 projection mapping is the most progressive alternative to traditional scenery. Overlaying a realistic image on 3 or 4 walls, taking into account the viewer’s perspective, interior features, and lighting, allows you to create the necessary atmosphere and achieve the effect of complete immersion. This technology will allow you to get a Wow-effect with minimal changes in the interior, reduce the time for decorating the room, and rationally use the budget.

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Magic Innovations

Our Works

We create projections on the walls of the room. This allows you to immerse guests in a new atmosphere and creates an immersive experience. Often such projections serve as a substitute for classical scenery. Using the 360 projection, any room or stage can be decorated according to the required style of the event. Examples of such work can be seen below.

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360 and hologram projection for a private party

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Multimedia installations and 360 projection for the Holodomor Museum

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Projections and multimedia installations for business

360 degree projection mapping is the most progressive alternative for decorations decorated in a traditional format. That is why it is often used to replace such decorations. This is promising in terms of saving money because you can hold a beautiful performance, show or concert with minimal cost of stage decoration. We offer to learn more about the benefits of 360 projections.

360 video mapping: a modern solution for you

The key benefits of 360 video projections are:

  • Innovation that can surprise the event audience.
  • Versatility and adaptability, thanks to which the projection can be adjusted to the interior design and theme of the event.
  • Realistic image that impresses the viewer. The projection can be superimposed on 3 or 4 walls.
  • Ability to achieve the effect of complete immersion without changing the interior of the room.

Video mapping 360 is a great choice for those who want to make the event unforgettable for the public.

Options for using this technology

Contemporary art, enhanced by new technologies, helps to improve and diversify the field of events. For example, you can make a theatrical production against the background of such a full-length projection. This will help create exactly the atmosphere that will emphasize the director’s idea and help the audience better understand what was laid down in the idea of ​​the play.

Another option is 360 video mappings during the presentation of the creative project. So, the event will be more spectacular, interesting and rich. And if you use this technology during a business event, you will have a better chance to surprise potential partners and customers.

Another way to use 360 ​​video projection is festivals and competitions. When bands or performers perform a concert program, you can easily change the plot of the projection, taking into account the theme of the performance. Therefore, this opportunity is in great demand, it helps to diversify the event program.

Our advantages

If you are looking for specialists who offer a quality 360 projection option, contact us. Our team of professionals will make sure that your holiday is truly impressive. Among the benefits we offer to customers are:

  • individual approach;
  • extensive experience;
  • understanding of current trends and the ability to use them in their work;
  • adequate prices;
  • love for our work;
  • ability to work creatively and in an original way.

The use of 360 projection is popular because it allows you to combine traditional and modern art. This is a good idea when you need to surprise the event guests with something interesting and unusual.

360 projection on weddings and birthdays

For those who are planning a cultural program for their wedding and want it to be bright, 360 projection will be a good option. You can use projection to create a separate show. And you can also make it a background for the main program or specific numbers. At the stage of negotiations before the start of cooperation, we discuss in detail with customers all these nuances. This approach helps us to implement projects qualitatively and professionally. The same applies not only to weddings, but also to other festive events. For example, it’s birthdays.

Our team will choose a 360 projection option that the birthday boy will like. We have sufficient experience in this matter. So contact us! Our professionals will make every effort to ensure that you are satisfied.

360 video projections is a great choice for those who are looking for original and modern technological solutions that can complement the holiday.

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